Home Forums Free Themes Biographyn customized header image for each page

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  • #190185
    Ares Tolentino

    1. how can I customize different header image for each page (every page different header image)?
    2. is it possible to change the color or place an image for Menu Background (which is always black)?
    3. Can one download the Demo Biographyn Theme and just edit the content?
    Thank you



    Regarding your query:

    Customizing different header image – no its is not possible. You can hire a customizing team to add this feature

    Changing color or image for menu background – yes it is possible to change the color or place background Image by adding Additional CSS

    Demo content – yes, you can import content manually using Catch Theme Demo Import plugin to import data
    and you can download demo file form this link https://themepalace.com/instructions/themes/biographyn/#doc-demo-file-36

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Psink.
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